Automatic Tampers Worth It?
Automatic tampers, such as the CINOART, PUQPress, have sparked considerable debate among coffee enthusiasts regarding their value in the espresso-making process. This article explores the perspectives shared in a Reddit discussion on whether these devices are a worthwhile investment. Benefits of Automatic Tampers Consistency: [...]
What Happens if You Tamp Espresso Too Hard?
Tamping espresso too hard can lead to several undesirable effects: 1. Over-Extraction When you tamp too hard, the coffee grounds are compacted to the point that water struggles to flow through the puck. This causes the water to spend more time seeping through, resulting [...]
The benifit of automatic tamper compare to manual tamper
The consistency of an automatic tamper, such as the CINOART and PUQPress, generally surpasses that of a professional barista's manual tamping. Here are the key comparisons: 1. Consistency in Tamping Pressure Automatic Tampers: They provide a uniform tamping pressure every time, typically adjustable between 20 to 60 [...]
What happens if you don’t tamp hard enough?
If you don't tamp hard enough when preparing espresso, several issues can arise that negatively affect the extraction process and the final flavor of the coffee. 1. Inconsistent Extraction A light tamp can lead to an uneven coffee bed, which increases the risk of [...]
How does the consistency of an automatic tamper compare to a professional barista’s manual tamping
Automatic tamper compared with manual tamping, automatic tampers are generally considered more consistent than manual tampers due to their ability to apply uniform pressure every time. Automatic espresso tampers, like the PuqPress and CINOART, can deliver a consistent tamping pressure of around 30 to 40 lbs in less than two [...]
How To Use Automatic Tamper CINOART PTB-MY
First of all, Thank you for choosing the CINOART PTB-MY (Precision Tamper Below-Mythos and Anfim Grinders). The CINOART PTB-MY Automatic Coffee Tamper is a under-grinder solution, it's designed to fit Mythos Grinders and Anfim SP II, to save your work space. It is a valuable tool for professional baristas [...]